Ikuforiji Olaitan Abdulrahman, better known by his stage name Oxlade, has shared a chat he had with Wizkid.
Wizkid, who Oxlade claims is his mentor, told him to study his musical taste and find a method to stand out without sounding like him, according to Oxlade.
During a Kiss FM UK interview, Oxlade disclosed this.
He discussed his performance at Paris, France’s 21,000-seat Accor arena.
Wizkid does not want him to travel the same path he did or to make the same mistakes, according to the 25-year-old rapper.
He claims that Wizkid made it possible for him to perform at the prestigious O2 Arena for the first time ever in 2018.
Wizkid has undoubtedly been a blessing to the new Afrobeat generation.