Nigerian “Big Boy” Gains Access to Company’s Blockchain and Steals $87M

A prominent Lagos big boy named Abayomi Segun Oluwasesan has been detained by INTERPOL in Nigeria on charges of hacking his company’s blockchain and stealing billions.
According to INTERPOL’s investigation, on June 15, 2022, Abayomi was hired as a web developer by the company Afriq Arbitrage System, a global crypto space; however, he hacked the platform when his boss, Jesam Micheal, was away for a liver transplant.

Abayomi, who had access to sensitive information necessary to the platform’s proper functioning, used his associates to steal billions of dollars from the platform’s hardworking investors.

He reportedly withdrew at least $87 million and spent it extravagantly.

He then went on to import more than 30 exotic marvels and open a car dealership called Fidoray Autos. In the United Kingdom, like in Tanzania and Dubai, UAE, he purchased a home and obtained a resident permit.

For example, he spent N450 million on a Lagos shopping center, N1 billion on land near Dangote oil refineries, and N1 billion on the interior design of his hotel in Mainland, Lagos State.

He had bought first-class flights throughout the world with investor funds.

On May 15th, 2023, the lucrative platform was destroyed by his questionable actions.

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