On Thursday, Ruqayya Mukhtar, a 25-year-old housewife, testified in a Sharia court in Rigasa, Kaduna, that she had not been sexually intimate with her husband for two years.
The plaintiff alleged that her spouse, one Naziru Hamza, had abused and humiliated her before she asked the court to break their marriage.
In his defense, the husband claimed he had done all possible to make his wife happy sexually.
“Since I have to go out and work to provide for my family, I often get home late and exhausted, but my wife doesn’t understand, and she insists on constant physical contact.
“I oblige many times and sometimes beg her to be patient till the next morning and I don’t beat her,” he explained.
The complainant was questioned by Judge Malam Anass Khalifa if she had any witnesses, and she responded positively.
The date for the complainant’s witness presentation has been set for September 5th, he said.