Seidu Karim and Rashid Abdullah, employees of Pizzaman in Kumasi, Ghana, were sentenced to five years in prison for stealing 20 boxes of chicken wings and two gallons of cooking oil from the company’s warehouse.
According to Ghana News Guide, ASP Jonas Newlove Adjei, prosecuting officer, told the court presided over by Judge Fred Obekyere Esq on Friday that on Monday May 1, 2023, the complainant, who is the executive chef of Pizzaman, received a call from his warehouse manager that two cooking oils and eight boxes of chicken wings had been stolen.
When the chef heard the news, he quickly took their daily stock and discovered that the items had been stolen.
Workers were asked to provide the stolen items at an emergency meeting the next day.
According to the news outlet, Abdullah revealed during interrogation that Karim hid two gallons of cooking oil behind the fence wall.
In his defense, Karim stated that he also observed Rashid Abdullah hiding two boxes of chicken wings at the back of the fence wall.
The stolen items were recovered from them and turned over to the police, who conducted an investigation.
During the course of the investigation, Karim admitted to stealing 20 gallons of cooking oil from the company over a two-month period.
The accused were charged and sentenced to five years in prison with hard labor.